Friday, May 29, 2009

Beginning Les Miserables

I have never read or watched Les Miserables, but I started reading it today. I have no idea what the story is about, but these were some interesting quotes that I wasn't expecting to find in the beginning of this book...

“I am not in this world to save my life, but to save souls.”

“Never let us fear robbers or murderers. These are external and small dangers; let us fear ourselves; prejudices are the real robbers, vices the true murderers."

“He did not study God; he was dazzled by Him.”

“Monseigneur Bienvenu was simply a man who accepted mysterious questions without scrutinizing, without disturbing them, or troubling his own mind, and who had in his soul a grave respect for the shadow.”

“Can human nature be thus utterly transformed? Can man, who is created good by God, be made bad by man? Can the soul be entirely remolded by destiny, and become evil if the destiny be evil? Can the heart be deformed, and contract incurable ugliness and infirmity under the pressure of disproportionate misfortune, like the spine beneath too low a roof? Is there not in every human soul, was there not in that Jean Valjean especially, a primary spark, a divine element, incorruptible in this world, and immortal in the other, which good can develop, fan, kindle, and cause to glisten splendidly, and which evil can never entirely extinguish?”

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

A Favorite Quote...

Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art... It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things that gives value to survival.
-C.S. Lewis

Bob the Builder over Daddy?

Today as I got ready and headed to work I flipped on the classic Air1 station. Scott and Kelly, the new morning show hosts, were talking and laughing with each other as usual, but then Scott read off a news article that shocked me. Studies have come out that prove that small children are beginning to make a stronger bond with cartoon characters such as Bob the Builder than with their own parents. It is becoming more and more common for young children to sit for hours in front of a T.V., either at home or in an all-day daycares, as both of their parents spend hours working and rushing around town. These impressionable, young children get most of their interaction from these cute but lifeless characters. It is now Bob who is "spending time" with our kids and teaching them lessons.

Frankly, it makes me sad to think of the new generation that is growing up, spending on average over 25 hours a week sitting, staring at a screen. I am already frustrated at times by how many hours I'm accustomed to sitting in front of a screen, staring at people I can never interact with, missing out on chances to have real human contact. Every evening now when I finally don't have homework, the classic question of "so what do you want to do" comes around. The instant assumption is, "well what movie do you want to watch?" I think of the beautiful, cool summer nights that pass as we sit once again on our couch. I think of the memories that we miss because, though we are all together, we are not actually interacting. If I am like this, coming from the background of only watching one movie a week during my childhood, what will these children who are bonding more with T.V. characters than their own parents be like when they grow up? How many opportunities for adventure and memories will be lost? How many relationships will be shallow and empty because our bonds are now with fictional characters?

Fahrenheit 451 keeps coming back to mind as movies, T.V. shows, video and computer games, and even the huge push for 3-D movies become more popular. I loved that book, but at the same time it scared me. The plot revolves around a couple, specifically the husband who is the firefighter that starts fires rather than putting them out. I haven't read it in about four years, but the image of the wife and the dynamic of that marriage is still vivid in my memory. They barely talked. She flipped on her television which was now expanded to life size characters covering 3 full walls of her living room. They were her family. All that she talked to him about was when they could get the fourth panel to complete the entertainment room. Their relationship was empty, without memories together, having no reason to interact.

I am so scared of missing out on great opportunities because I'm sitting in front of a screen instead. This is such a hard subject though because I do enjoy movies and T.V. shows. After a long day of work or hours and hours of homework, all that I want to do is relax and turn on a movie. For others, movies is their time to process. Other times, I just honestly don't know what to do with my evening and a movie is great entertainment. But at least for myself, I am going to challenge myself to enjoy those cool summer evenings with my family and friends. I'm going to get off the couch, have some fun adventures, and make amazing memories.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Tools... their favorite word.

How can I describe work?

"Just glorify us, bring honor to our name! Dishonoring us is the worst thing you can do to a man, so glorify us or we'll kill you." -Adam and Ryan

As Adam walks in the door, we are all greeted with a lovely "Hello you idiots."

We used to hear daily updates on the newest "Tool Academy" episode.

Ryan and Tereneh are arguing again on the phone, but hey, she's being emotional, right?

The Allies of the Editing Room declare a rubber band war on the Axis (the Tape Room).

Sam still hasn't asked Hannah out.

Adam and Ryan beat Ben at the Bubblespinner, but don't worry, their strategy isn't technically cheating.

Will's computer has a virus again... or maybe it's not a virus after all.

Backrubs.... oh how the boys love getting backrubs. After all, the stresses of school develop into horrible knots.

No, sorry, Jeremy still doesn't have any cash in his wallet.

"Yes Adam, you may have some of my rice crispy treat again today." -Jeremy

Countless debates have filled the rooms of the back offices. Are you a Calvinist yet? Well at least you're not Eastern Orthodox.

"If only Torrey students were Christians and actually read the Bible." -Ryan and Adam

"Lisa, who do think is spicer/more desirable? Adam or Ryan? Is there any possibility that you would date one of us?"

"How much are you making an hour again?!"

"Everyone hates me! I have no friends! My parents even hate me! I just want a friend.... why can't anyone love me?"

Adam's big oops... but sorry we can't talk about it.

"LD, please just walk me to the bathroom! I don't know where it is... please just come with me!" -Ryan

Ryan still loves classic jokes... I totally didn't see him pull that chair out as I sat down. Woops.

4 boys. 1 small room. Multiple Computers. Wrestling. Great idea, huh?

The daily hymn selection sung by our very own, Lewis Reynolds.

"The Prude vs. the Crude," the biggest reality T.V. show since "Tool Academy"!

Ryan and Lewis should be hired as dance choreographers. "P-p-p-poker face!"

"I phileo you!"

Thursday, May 14, 2009

You Won't Relent

C F G Ab G F Eb C Eb F Eb C Bb Ab F

Set me as a seal upon you heart,
as a seal upon your arm,
for love is as strong as death,
jealousy is fierce as the grave.
Its flashes are flashes of fire,
the very flame of the Lord.
Many waters cannot quench love,
neither can floods drown it.
-Song of Solomon 8:6-7

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Sticks and Stones, Love

Isn't it funny how a few words can make your whole day whereas a few mean words ruin it.

Do we realize the power we have over each other?

Idle words.
Encouraging words.
Flattering words.
Intellectual words.
Wise words.
Revealing words.
Concealing words.
Harmful words.
Accidental words.
Comforting words.
Praising words.

How do I use mine?


We don't always have to be happy. You don't always have to say, "I'm doing well, how about yourself." Emotions on both sides of the spectrum exist for a reason. I have found that I feel guilty when I'm honestly not happy. I feel that as a Christian even the fact that I'm saved, blessed with the hope of eternal paradise, should override any temporary sadness. But life is hard in so many different ways.

After reading Job and talking about it with my Torrey group, we realized that yes, Job did praise God despite his horrible circumstances. But then he goes on chapter after chapter wailing and directly asking God why this had to happen. Even David throughout the Psalms, the man after God's own heart, has times where he cries out in misery to God. But, through both examples, they understand that continual sadness is not right or healthy. God answers Job and reminds him that an Almighty God who we cannot even comprehend is in control. David always turns his mourning into praise, ending with reminders of God's promises and faithfulness.

Horrible things happen. Honest sadness, leaving you feeling hollow and pitiful, is not wrong. But at a point, the truth must inform your emotions. Healing comes. The hope of God's faithful promises and new blessings and opportunities must push us forward.

My Own Attempt at Proverbs

In class the other day we were studying Proverbs. Dr. Jensen asked us to try coming up with our own proverbs about relationships. So here were a few of mine:

A smile from a person far outweighs a smile typed out.

People need people for it is hard to laugh alone.

A child is the best reminder of joy.

If you offer a kind word to a friend in need, you will have a friend when you need.

As the body needs food, so the soul needs friends.

A man may have many riches, but if he has no friends he is still poor.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

December 14th

December 14th…I couldn’t wait for December 14th because it would be first day of Christmas break. I would be free from homework, free from work, free to have fun and enjoy life again. Yet, once that romanticized break finally arrived I didn’t feel free or happy. Emptiness was overwhelming. I could watch one more movie, spend more time with friends, spend more time talking with family, spend more time focused on pleasing myself, but this was making me feel sick and empty. I had worked all semester just so that I could reach that amazing break, but for some reason it no longer seemed amazing.

I’ve noticed that we work not for the sake of working but to reach the next break, the next weekend, the next hour when we can finally head home. We hate having to work because, honestly, it’s hard. Who wants to be exerting themselves, pushing themselves to seemingly unreachable heights when you could be hanging with friends or vegging in front of the T.V? We are not happy at work but are happy once we leave it behind and can amuse ourselves.

Amusement has been equated to happiness, but if this is true then why do I feel empty and disappointed when I finally have six weeks to amuse myself? We hate work because it takes away our happiness, but I believe that it is only through work that we are finally content. Saying no to my selfish desires to push through a difficult task may take effort, but it is only through these activities that we find the depth of living necessary for happiness. As Aristotle says, “Happiness is not found in amusement; for it would be absurd if the end were amusement, and our lifelong efforts and sufferings aimed at amusing ourselves. It seems correct to amuse ourselves so that we can do something serious, for amusement would seem to be relaxation and it is because we cannot toil continuously that we require relaxation. Relaxation, then, is not the end; for we purse it to prepare for activity.” We seem to have confused which is the end and which is the mean. Work is seen as the mean to living; a good job pays for a house, food, and extra money to spend on amusing ourselves. We do not work to make us happy but to allow us to live in our society. But amusement should be the mean to productive work, not work being the mean to amusement. If the whole point of our being is to amuse ourselves, we are empty and unsatisfied. We are cutting ourselves short of a much greater purpose, but that purpose does take effort and self-denial.

Work…taking the focus off of myself. It doesn’t sound pleasant and is something I struggle with daily. Pleasing myself is so much easier and obviously brings immediate pleasure, but an empty pleasure. I have to work to get the focus off of myself, but once I do this I can finally glorify my Creator, fulfilling who I am made to be. I am tired of being a creature who was meant for one purpose but is trying to work properly while doing something completely different, like a spoon trying to excellently cut meat instead of stirring the sauce. All that I get is worn down and discouraged that I can’t seem to cut anything.

God, I pray you will help me to humbly deny my selfishness. Help me to not get so involved in pleasing myself that I forget that I am your child. Help me to know how to act as you want. I want to please you but I seem to always be faced with the question of how. Teach me what it truly means to have you as my number one priority. –Your Daughter