Today as I got ready and headed to work I flipped on the classic Air1 station. Scott and Kelly, the new morning show hosts, were talking and laughing with each other as usual, but then Scott read off a news article that shocked me. Studies have come out that prove that small children are beginning to make a stronger bond with cartoon characters such as Bob the Builder than with their own parents. It is becoming more and more common for young children to sit for hours in front of a T.V., either at home or in an all-day daycares, as both of their parents spend hours working and rushing around town. These impressionable, young children get most of their interaction from these cute but lifeless characters. It is now Bob who is "spending time" with our kids and teaching them lessons.
Frankly, it makes me sad to think of the new generation that is growing up, spending on average over 25 hours a week sitting, staring at a screen. I am already frustrated at times by how many hours I'm accustomed to sitting in front of a screen, staring at people I can never interact with, missing out on chances to have real human contact. Every evening now when I finally don't have homework, the classic question of "so what do you want to do" comes around. The instant assumption is, "well what movie do you want to watch?" I think of the beautiful, cool summer nights that pass as we sit once again on our couch. I think of the memories that we miss because, though we are all together, we are not actually interacting. If I am like this, coming from the background of only watching one movie a week during my childhood, what will these children who are bonding more with T.V. characters than their own parents be like when they grow up? How many opportunities for adventure and memories will be lost? How many relationships will be shallow and empty because our bonds are now with fictional characters?
Fahrenheit 451 keeps coming back to mind as movies, T.V. shows, video and computer games, and even the huge push for 3-D movies become more popular. I loved that book, but at the same time it scared me. The plot revolves around a couple, specifically the husband who is the firefighter that starts fires rather than putting them out. I haven't read it in about four years, but the image of the wife and the dynamic of that marriage is still vivid in my memory. They barely talked. She flipped on her television which was now expanded to life size characters covering 3 full walls of her living room. They were her family. All that she talked to him about was when they could get the fourth panel to complete the entertainment room. Their relationship was empty, without memories together, having no reason to interact.
I am so scared of missing out on great opportunities because I'm sitting in front of a screen instead. This is such a hard subject though because I do enjoy movies and T.V. shows. After a long day of work or hours and hours of homework, all that I want to do is relax and turn on a movie. For others, movies is their time to process. Other times, I just honestly don't know what to do with my evening and a movie is great entertainment. But at least for myself, I am going to challenge myself to enjoy those cool summer evenings with my family and friends. I'm going to get off the couch, have some fun adventures, and make amazing memories.
Colossians in Cambridge (Torrey Cambridge 2024)
8 months ago
hmm that sounds like a wonderful idea! You'll have to blog about ur many adventures!
ReplyDelete... just so long as I can join you on some of those adventures!
ReplyDeleteMy dad was diagnosed with early onset Parkinson's disease at 57.his symptoms were shuffling of feet,slurred speech, low volume speech, degradation of hand writing, horrible driving skills, right arm held at 45 degree angle, but now he finally free from the disease with the help of total cure from ULTIMATE LIFE CLINIC, he now walks properly and all symptoms has reversed, he had trouble with balance especially at night, getting into the shower and exiting it is difficult,getting into bed is also another thing he finds impossible.we had to find a better solution for his condition which has really helped him a lot,the biggest helped we had was ultimate life clinic they walked us through the proper steps,am highly recommended this to anyone who needs help.