How can I describe work?
"Just glorify us, bring honor to our name! Dishonoring us is the worst thing you can do to a man, so glorify us or we'll kill you." -Adam and Ryan
As Adam walks in the door, we are all greeted with a lovely "Hello you idiots."
We used to hear daily updates on the newest "Tool Academy" episode.
Ryan and Tereneh are arguing again on the phone, but hey, she's being emotional, right?
The Allies of the Editing Room declare a rubber band war on the Axis (the Tape Room).
Sam still hasn't asked Hannah out.
Adam and Ryan beat Ben at the Bubblespinner, but don't worry, their strategy isn't technically cheating.
Will's computer has a virus again... or maybe it's not a virus after all.
Backrubs.... oh how the boys love getting backrubs. After all, the stresses of school develop into horrible knots.
No, sorry, Jeremy still doesn't have any cash in his wallet.
"Yes Adam, you may have some of my rice crispy treat again today." -Jeremy
Countless debates have filled the rooms of the back offices. Are you a Calvinist yet? Well at least you're not Eastern Orthodox.
"If only Torrey students were Christians and actually read the Bible." -Ryan and Adam
"Lisa, who do think is spicer/more desirable? Adam or Ryan? Is there any possibility that you would date one of us?"
"How much are you making an hour again?!"
"Everyone hates me! I have no friends! My parents even hate me! I just want a friend.... why can't anyone love me?"
Adam's big oops... but sorry we can't talk about it.
"LD, please just walk me to the bathroom! I don't know where it is... please just come with me!" -Ryan
Ryan still loves classic jokes... I totally didn't see him pull that chair out as I sat down. Woops.
4 boys. 1 small room. Multiple Computers. Wrestling. Great idea, huh?
The daily hymn selection sung by our very own, Lewis Reynolds.
"The Prude vs. the Crude," the biggest reality T.V. show since "Tool Academy"!
Ryan and Lewis should be hired as dance choreographers. "P-p-p-poker face!"
"I phileo you!"
Colossians in Cambridge (Torrey Cambridge 2024)
8 months ago
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